I know, I know. You're saying "GET TO THE POINT, CUPCAKE!"
Okay, okay. Sheesh.
This book's about Greek mythology. So I saw a truck as I was re-reading this book for the zillionth time. Why? I like it. Anyway, the truck said "Tyson". Why's that so great? In this book, there's a Cyclops named Tyson. Then, I drove by a church. It said something about a labyrinth. You see what I mean? Then, this morning, I watched SpongeBob. Would you believe it, one of the creators was named "Zeus". I did not pay attention to his last name. Just his first name. Today, after that incident, my mom did a crossword puzzle. One of the words was "Tyson". She was like "Cupcake, look!" and I was like "Come on." Tonight, she said "For dinner, we're having leftovers. We have BBQ beef and stir fry and Greek food." I was like "MOM!" and she went "What?" I said "Greek food?"
READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!