
So I know it's not Halloween yet, but let me tell you about the school day. (Or at least, just the Halloween costumes.)

I'm going to give awards to all my friends for their great costumes.

Funniest: the unplanned trio of ketchup, mustard, and a hot dog
No, not that realistic

Buddiest: the Twister Twins, who wore spinners on their heads, Twister mat dresses, and go-go boots
Make this x2

Most Thrilling: Michael Jackson
Also the scariest person award

Most Appealing: Banana boy
Love this picture!

Most Magical: The two Hermiones
Way overused.

Best Costume Overall: ME! (And my friend, because our costumes go together.)

MeGuess who?

My mom's friend's son was corn. He wanted to win the corniest prize. I wonder if he won. I wonder if I can find a picture.


Yes, I know. If school ends at 3:30, what is the Cupcake doing on a computer at 3:43? Answer: I am writing from my aunt's computer in her first grade classroom. Oh, wait. You know that she does not do French anymore, right? Now she does first grade. It's weird. About three years ago I was in first grade, and I had Mrs. B. Last year there was another lady. And now it's my aunt.


Hi! Today was a good day, because any day that isn't a bad day is a good day. Aside from our field trip to the pumpkin farm being rescheduled for Wednesday, it wasn't too bad.

How was your day?


I am here! Sorry so much. Fourth grade is TOUGH. I'm suffering from severe homework overload. You want proof? Here's what happened this week:

  • Performed rap
  • Big Pain got braces
  • Worked on our drama (we're doing the Boston Tea Party! I'm the narrator! That's the best part!)
  • Stuff
  • My grandma got sugery (but she's OKAY!)
  • Ummm...
  • Had Greek class
  • Worked on Geo Lab homework
  • Stuff
  • Drama
  • Practiced my Latin spelling words
  • Stuff
THURSDAY (That's today!)
  • Spelling test
  • Choir
  • Made a cover for my story, The Hanukkah Gift
  • Stuff
  • Wordly Wise test
  • Stuff
  • What am I psychic?
I'll try to blog as much as I can. But it won't be easy!

Watch This!

This is the video that my buddy taught me how to make. Hope you enjoy!

Stop laughing!

Greetings From The Land Of Lincoln!

I am in Chicago at my cousin's house. You have never heard of this cousin. I will call her and her twin brother Moo (my cousin) and Mr. Moo (her brother.) Okay? Yesterday I drove out here with Ms. Witty and Big Pain. But now I'm in the house of Moo and Mr. Moo. Don't worry, I'll be back in time for school. Peace out!