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Thanks for supporting your shelter - Have fun!
FIRST NAME: the Cupcake
AGE: 9
NAME OF ANIMAL SHELTER: Humane Society of Missouri
LOCATION OF SHELTER: St. Louis, Missouri
Last year when I was in third grade, we read the book Shiloh. When we finished the book, we had a bake sale and raised money for the Humane Society of Missouri. We brought the money and blankets in and got a tour of the shelter. It amazed me how many pets were in there. The people giving us the tour told us how hard it was to stay on schedule. If someone was late to take a dog outside, they would probably end up cleaning up after that poor dog. The following week, my friend adopted a kitten. She wanted to give a good home to another pet. (She already had 1 cat and 1 dog.) I want to help in a different way, because I already have 2 dogs. The Humane Society brings back memories. When I was little, I had a lemonade stand with my brother. He gave money to a back-to-school charity, and I gave money to the Humane Society. I think that the Humane Society is a special place and that they’d be grateful to receive 1,000.00 worth of treats.
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