Ohai There!

I couldn't think of a title for this post, so I called it... well, it's right there.

If I were red I would be a tomato
If I were orange I would be a carrot
If I were yellow I would be mustard
If I were green I would be lettuce
If I were blue I would be a blueberry
If I were purple I would be a grape

If I were red I would be sunburned
If I were orange I would be an Oopma-Loompa
If I were yellow I would look really weird
If I were green I would be... envious? Vomiting?
If I were blue I would be a Smurf
If I were purple, I have no idea what I would be

I have no idea why I wrote that.


If you were purple, you could be Barney :]

LOL... it's still funny and brought a smile to my gloomy day (gloomy weather outside. :)

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