
Helloooooo INTERNET!!!

How y'all doin'? Oh, you in the back. You look amazing. And you too, in the front row. 

Aaaand now that my tacky blog post-opening banter in COMPLETE, I will move on.

Or so I thought.

Because then, I realized: I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY!!! 

I took multiple tests today.
In geography I had a test on Europe & Asia. I got a 39.5 out of 40 on a test on the Maya. I took I test on Greek.


And I ran a 5 K yesterday. In the past week, I have run 10 kilometers!!! And on Thursday I am running a mile!!! And on Sunday I run ANOTHER 5 K!!!

Okay, maybe I was lying.  I do have some  stuff to say.

AAaaaand for breakfast I had cheese, orange juice, and gooey butter cake. (Bad combo. I know.)
For lunch I had a wrap with falafel, (YUM!)  cucumbers, greens, and tahini. YUM.

Oh, and I have a project:

In an attempt to broaden my vocabulary, I have made a chart to fill out. Every day of the week, I want to use the words "groovy" and "rubbish" each at least once.

And now...

Au revoir!


Sharyn said...

Oh puhleeze... this post was complete rubbish.

Except for the part about the gooey butter cake. That part was groovy.

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