A Special Thanks To...

Update 8/18/09: Congratulations to Harley for winning the Cutest Cat contest on Facebook. We donated $5! 52%! $130!
Update 4/7/09: Thank you to... ME! I gave 9$ to get halfway there! 125$, 50%.

Update 4/1/09: Thank you to my mom who donated 36$ in memory of a friend's father. 116$, and 46%. 9 more $ and we're halfway there.

Update 3/7/09: Thanks to Daisy who donated $1! Yay! You rule! $80, 30%.

Update 3/6/09: Happy birthday to Harley, Daisy's brother who will be a mancat tomorrow! Ms. Witty donated $10 in honor of Harley. Yay! $79, 31%.

Update 3/2/09: I earned $5, so I had Ms. Witty put it into my fundraiser. Thanks! $69, 27%.

Update 2/21/09: Thanks to... me? Oh yeah! I donated $10! Thanks me! 25%!

Update 2/11/09: Happy birthday Daisy the Curly Cat and thanks to Ms. Witty for donating $10 in honor of Daisy! 21%!

Update again 12/29/08: A thanks to my mom's massage person for $5! Now 17%!

Update 12/29/08: Luxor has donated $2. That's 15%!

Thanks! So far, my fundraiser has made $37! That's 14%! Here are the people who donated, with how much they gave:

Thanks again and keep it up!

PS: When I find a place, I'll be recycling a lot of cans.



Daisy said...

You are off to a good start!

Ana said...

hey hannah, did you receive my emails?

Cascia Talbert said...

I just found your blog on entrecard. I enjoyed reading this post.

Cupcake said...

Ana: No, we haven't gotten any emails from you.

Cascia: Thanks for coming! I hope you'll come back.

Anonymous said...

You are most welcome for the donation. Wish it could be more. :) Keep up the good work!

Daisy said...

That's awesome! Thank you so much to donating on behalf of Harley. We will give another money!

Cupcake said...

Daisy, was it YOU who donated a dollar? Thanks!

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