Summer Homework


August 2010: Dear Future Self,

Remember how hard it was when you got to the last week of summer vacation and suddenly you had a bazillion math, reading, and writing assignments to finish? Don't let that happen again. Especially because summer 2011, you are going in to 6th grade and also going 8 weeks to camp. Listen to mom. Don't complain.

Just do your homework.

*End of flashback*

Well, what was then my FUTURE SELF is now my CURRENT SELF.  Summer homework came home today, and I plan on starting in a couple of days. (I'll try to start Friday afternoon, after school is out. Don't hold me to it--I'm not very good at keeping promises.)


Ah, remember when summer wasn't about reading four books and doing a bunch of math packets?

Good, because I don't.


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