Just One More

I decided that I would write just one more post to close out the year.  It's 8:04 right now and in 3 hours and 56 minutes it will be 2012.  I know it already is in a large portion of the world, such as Jerusalem or Amsterdam.  But I'm going to savor the last few hours of 2011 and make the most of them.  Have a happy new year, see you in 2012!!!

Coming Home

I just spent 4 days in New Orleans with my mom.  We toured and shopped and it was great.  The best part was the food.  I'm going to dream about bananas foster and chocolate freezes for weeks.

When we got home, we waited in the airport because Big Pain's plane was coming in 15 minutes after ours.  We stood at the exit of the gate waiting for him to come, and couldn't help noticing there was a large group of people waiting at the exit, including people holding signs, American flags, and there was even a woman holding a very new baby.  At first we weren't sure who they were greeting, but we soon figured out that they were greeting a soldier.  There was a TV camera and everyone cheered as he came through the exit. It was heartwarming.

It's nice to be home, and I hope that every soldier got a welcome that warm as the one we saw at the airport.  Merry late Christmas and Happy (Even though it's over) Hanukka and have a great new year if I'm not on again before then.

Still No Snow

The only time this year there has been snow in my area was in November or October, and it was a super-light sprinkle that didn't stick and did nothing for me getting a snow day.  We have usually had snow at least one by the end of winter break, but the break is half over.  We have no snow.  It's cold, sure, but not cold enough for me to not wear short sleeves.  I'm really sad.  Everyone else gets snow! IT'S NOT FAIR.

My Dislike Of Certain Condiments

My mom was eating something with mustard, and I was like, Eew.  Mustard. 

That was when I realized that I really don't appreciate--or enjoy--mustard.

I apologize to you mustard lovers.  I am what I am, and I am a mustard hater.

Winter Break At Last!

I am finally on winter break. I'm so excited! I think that these next few weeks of rest are well earned.

My mom's taking me to New Orleans for a few days. She went to college and law school there, so she's going to show me all around.

A few days ago I made latkes. You know, potato pancakes fried in oil that we eat for Hanukkah. I've had so many that I'm kind of tired of them.

Actually, I'm excited that I'm on break, but I'm sad because I only have one more semester at my school and then I have to leave and go to a secondary school. I'll be really sad but it's inevitable because I've been there for 8 years and my school graduates in 6th grade.

I've watched Toy Story and Elf to the point where I can recite the whole script. I've made latkes and spinach soup and I helped make cranberry bread.

One more thing that I forgot:

I'm going to the school spelling bee, again. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (See Jan. 15, 2011: "Can You Spell Awesome? I Can. C-U-P-C-A-K-E", as well as Dec. 14, 2009: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

I made alternate in the Geography Bee (see Dec. 18, 2009: "More Smart Stuff"), meaning if someone is out sick or something I'm in. (See Jan. 16, 2010: "Wassup Internet?")

Feeling Saintly

Today my mother and I went to Kmart. I have never been to Kmart before, and we weren’t even there to shop.

We went to the Layaway counter and paid off all but a few cents of two layaway accounts.

See, we read this article about a woman who walked into Kmart and asked to pay off layaway accounts. She paid for three, and they all included children’s toys.

That was really inspirational to us. And it wasn’t just us who was inspired to do that. People all around the country have done it. Three of them:

One of them

Another one

One more

When we went to the counter and asked if we could pay off layaway accounts, the woman at the counter was baffled. She didn’t understand what we were doing, but she went with it. The second woman to come to the counter knew what we were doing. She thought it was great, and called it “Secret Santas.” Strangely enough, as she was helping us, another Secret Santa came in to do the same thing. She brought us a list of accounts, and we chose two to pay. We left a penny on both of them.

I feel absolutely saintly.

So does my mother.

Christmas Movies For 6th Graders

One of the best movies EVER is Elf. I've known about this movie since longer than I can remember, and I've enjoyed it for just as long.

See, what's so special about this movie is that it would be horrible if it didn't star Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf.

Today we watched it in class as part of our winter break party. My friend and I had been discussing how great it was previously, so we both started squealing when they announced that they were showing it. We knew so many of the best quotes, and we were so excited.

We weren't the only ones, apparently.

There were probably around fifteen kids in the room, and more than half of us hummed along to the opening tune and recited the code of elves. (Treat every day like Christmas. There's room for everyone on the nice list. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.)

Of course, we all knew all the good quotes. Some of the best:

Buddy: [phone rings, Buddy picks it up] Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?

Buddy: We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.

Buddy: I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite

Buddy: I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel. (A personal favorite of mine)

Buddy: [reacting to sign saying "World's Best Cup of Coffee"] You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee! Great job, everybody! It's great to be here.

Buddy: I'm a cotton-headed ninny-muggins.

Emily: So, Buddy, how'd you sleep?
Buddy: Great! I got a full 40 minutes!

Buddy: [after getting off an elevator with a man] Oh, I forgot to give you a hug!

I think you get the idea.

Book Fair Without Borders

Last night I went to my school book fair at BARNES AND NOBLE. I had tried to stay positive, but
  1. it was kind of crowded, and we couldn't move around as much
  2. we were wrapping gifts for free, and I discovered that I'm no better at it than I was when I was six
  3. the cafe wasn't as fun
  4. they didn't have as much stuff
  5. gift cards weren't going towards the school
But, it was still okay. Not as great, but still okay.

But I still miss Borders.

Winter Choir Concert

Yesterday was my choir's "holiday" concert. It's mainly a Christmas concert but holiday concert sounds nicer.

My choir was the fifth group to perform. We were the last group before intermission and we sang our little hearts out. Not so little, actually. There are high-schoolers in the group.

During intermission, we (well, at least I did) practiced for our audience carol, Angels We Have Heard on High, in which all the groups come out to sing the finale when Angels We Have Heard on High is over. It was really fun.

My grandparents came, and so did my aunt and uncle, and the soldier that my grandparents met at the symphony once and kind of adopted. He's really nice. My music teacher came, too, because we had extra tickets.

According to my mother, this was the best concert I have been in in the five years I have been in the choirs. My only regret is that I did not get to see the younger kids perform A Charlie Brown Christmas. I heard it was really funny.

Barnes And Noble

Yesterday my mom and I went to Barnes and Noble. I still can't get over Borders going out of business; it draws tears to my eyes every time we pass one of their former locations.

Moving on. Back to Barnes and Noble.

At one point, my mom said, "I wish there would be an annotated version of A Tale of Two Cities." My mom loves annotated versions of books. In response, I said, "It would be twice as long, and then it would be A Tale of Four Cities." Then I started cominng up with other funny things, like, "An abridged version of A Tale of Two Cities would just be A Tale of One City."

Mahna mahna.